Confession- I'm not much of a morning person and I'm even less of an oatmeal gal. But occasionally, I like to do something nice for my family. Like make breakfast for mom on Mother's day. (Yeah, I make it to family breakfast on Mother's day and Christmas.) I found something on pinterest that lets me do something nice for my family and not have to get up early! Apple cinnamon crockpot oatmeal! I really dislike oatmeal, but this is good stuff and super easy!
Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
You will need:
- 2-3 sliced and diced apples (you don't have to peel them)
- 1/3 cup brown sugar (I use less)
- 1 heaping tsp cinnamon (seriously, HEAPING)
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 2 heaping cups oatmeal (yes, heaping again)
- 4 cups water
- a crockpot
Prince keeping me company during my random late night cooking escapades |

While the original recipe says to just throw in the apples, they don't get cooked enough for some members of my family...AHEM. So
first, place all the apples in a skillet with 1/2 cup water and cook on med-hi heat until soft.
Then, place the cooked apples (and what's left of the water) in the bottom of the crockpot.
Next, pour in the brown sugar and cinnamon.
Place the 2 cups of oatmeal on top of this.
Finally, pour in 4 cups of water. Do NOT stir. For some reason this step is important. Cook on low overnight for 8-9 hours.
Don't forget to plug in the crockpot! Stir well before serving.

I usually make this around 10:30 or 11 pm and it is ready in time for the early risers by 7 AM. If you are not getting up with the birds, leave a note out with direction on when the oatmeal will be ready and a reminder to stir before serving. And the great thing is, you can keep it on warm for a while and so it's still hot when everyone else wakes up (whenever that may be).
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